
Showing posts from February, 2019

100/110 word . challange

So i was at the shop and i grabbed a bottle of vinegar and thought “hmm i should do something fun today” then it popped into my head i should prank my family but hey i should prank them with vinegar. PLan!!!!! 1. Take a sip of vinegar “ cough cough nasty!” 2. Pour some into 2 cups 3. Poor water into 1 cup now time! “Mom dad can you come down here please” “ sure they said. “So i challenge you to a chugging competition if you win i give you ten bucks if i win you give me 1, deal?” “deal” they said “3 2 1 GO” “cough cough laughter. ”

100 word challange

100wc- the egg noise I heard a sound in the kitchen i checked for my mom and dad weren't there, i decided to go down by myself The lights were flickering then a sudden thud then darkness no light then pop lights back on then on the counter were 3 black eggs i thought jake was messing with me “jake?” no answer. Soon i decided to wash the eggs, i washed the eggs and decided to go upstairs, then sparks went everywhere soon i got scared and opened the eggs. Inside it was… A BOMB!!!!!! What? Then the sparks gone uh oh…. only a fringe of hair left.....